Britt-Marii Pung


5 reasons to fix your electricity price for six months

Fixed-rate packages are an excellent choice for those consumers who are looking for stability in today’s ever-changing energy market and want to mitigate the risks of price increases. The “Fixed 6” package fixes the price of electricity at a favourable level for half a year – so the price for a kilowatt-hour of electricity will be the same for you for the next six months.

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Energy Market Overview

Energy Market Overview 21.02.2023: The speed of restoring gas reserves will determine the price of electricity next winter

During the last weeks, the price of electricity has remained at a constant level and the price of natural gas has dropped significantly thanks to favourable weather conditions. However, according to experts, the price of gas will move up again as the year progresses, but how high and how quickly will depend on the pace at which reserves will be restored.

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Effective business

Customer video: Establishment of an operator-neutral communication network in the Volta Quarter

2023. The machine industry area of the Volta Quarter in North Tallinn is being reconstructed with completely new energy rating A buildings at the beginning of 2023. Along with the new development, Enefit Connect has established Tallinn’s first major operator-neutral telecommunications network for Volta providing 927 end users with a communication connection.

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Let's start saving!

All you need to know: Energy labels for household appliances

Doing laundry, cooking and storing food are everyday activities that have a big impact on the electricity bills we receive at the end of each month. When looking for ways to reduce expenses, it would be worthwhile to check your household appliances and their energy consumption. This is where energy labels come into play.

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