Britt-Marii Pung

Let's start saving!

Advice from an energy expert: a storage solution allows you to get the most out of solar panels

Estonians’ interest in producing electricity from the sun is growing. This is confirmed both by the number of electricity producers joining the grid and connection applications from micro-producers, which are setting new records this year. In order to better manage monthly expenses and income from produced electricity, we recommend considering a storage solution.

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High-speed vs standard internet: what is the difference and which is right for you?

Over the last few decades, having a home internet connection has become almost as crucial as having access to water and electricity. Faster and more advanced internet solutions are being introduced to meet the growing demand in the market. As a result, in recent years, there has been much talk about a next-generation network, namely high-speed internet, a service that Enefit Connect also provides. But what exactly is it? Let us take a closer look.

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Energy Market Overview

Energy Market Overview 04.04.2023: OPEC’s decision could push gas prices up again by the end of the year

The decision made over the weekend by the OPEC oil cartel to limit crude oil production caught the markets by surprise, and the oil price went up by 6% to 85 USD/bbl on Monday. According to analysts, if that decision is upheld, oil prices could go up to 110 USD/bbl by the end of the year. Such an increase in oil prices would inevitably lead to natural gas prices going up as well.

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Energy Market Overview

Energy Market Overview 21.03.2023: NATO and the EU are planning greater protection of the European energy infrastructure

Russia’s energy war against Europe made Norway one of the most important gas suppliers in the region, expected to remain in this role for years to come. In the aftermath of the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions in the fall, energy security will be taken to the next level as the critical energy infrastructure is going be guarded by NATO forces.

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Energy Market Overview

Energy Market Overview 14.03.2023: Universal service price is held high by CO2

Due to the end of the heating season, windy weather and the high level of gas reserves, the electricity exchange price remains at a lower level than the Estonian universal service price. The production price for universal service is determined by the Competition Authority, while the component with the greatest impact is the high CO2 quota price.

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