
Home savings

How to use self-generated energy at your convenience and store energy from the grid during cheaper hours

This summer, there has been much discussion in the media and among technology enthusiasts on social media regarding the profitability of solar panels. On the one hand, some claim that panels are not cost-effective, especially when electricity prices are occasionally negative, forcing producers to pay when selling energy back to the grid. On the other hand, electricity prices on the exchange were high during the summer due to a lack of wind, the Estlink-2 cable being under maintenance, and occasional shutdowns of neighbouring countries’ production units.

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Change starts with you! What is green energy and why choose it?

The green turn, environmentally friendly thinking and sustainable energy solutions are topics that become more and more timely every year. Everyone’s habits have an impact on creating a cleaner future, and green energy is one of the easiest ways to take the first step on this journey.

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Reader asks: “What does an electricity bill consist of?”

Electricity is an integral part of our lives – we need it whether we’re at work, walking down the street or doing domestic chores. As the electricity bill we receive each month has a direct impact on our monthly budget, it is only natural that people want to know exactly what they are paying for when they use electricity.

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Switching to a green electricity package – a simple change with a big impact

On the path to a cleaner future, everyone’s habits have an impact. Choosing a green electricity package is one of the easiest environmentally friendly changes you can make. By consuming electricity produced from renewable energy sources, less carbon dioxide is emitted into the air, your environmental footprint is reduced and there is a direct impact on electricity production.

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What should you do with your electricity contract when moving?

It is not necessary to think about concluding an electricity contract in your day-to-day life, but when moving, it is inevitably something that has to be faced. We explain how to deal with electrical operations when moving both in and out and what happens when an electricity supplier is not chosen.

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