

Enefit 2024: a year of energy and inspiration for the green future

2024 was a special year for Enefit. It was the year when Eesti Energia’s customers became Enefit’s customers and we took firm steps towards a greener and more sustainable world in the fields of renewable energy, customer service and community contributions. But most importantly – we achieved all of this together with you, our customers!

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Home savings

Reader asks: ‘How to keep electricity bills low in the winter months?’

Google has published a list of the year’s most searched words. At the top of the ranking we also find the keyword ‘electricity exchange price’. Indeed, the price of electricity has often been a topic of discussion, especially when it is expensive. Among other things, the year was marked by the failure of Estlink 2 and the resulting increase in electricity prices in the summer, when we would otherwise enjoy rather low prices thanks to high renewable energy production.

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Reader asks: ‘If I buy green energy, does “green” electricity also come out of my electrical socket?’

At Enefit, you can choose any electricity package either as a standard option or as green energy. The latter guarantees that the electricity is sourced 100% from renewable energy sources like solar, wind or hydro power. Since the electricity coming from your socket has no colour or name, how can you be sure that the electricity reaching your home is actually green electricity?

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Home savings

Autumn electricity savings: how to keep costs under control

Autumn is here again and has brought the question of whether the electricity prices are expected to rise. While colder weather generally means higher consumption and more expensive prices, predicting the actual is difficult. It is therefore good to know what preventive measures can help to keep costs down, even if electricity prices were to rise.

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