Sustainable energy solutions from one place

Businesses are increasingly interested in sustainable energy solutions. The reason may be the energy crisis, what is happening in the world, and the interest in a greener way of doing things. Acceptable price and quality are undoubtedly the key words that customers use when making decisions. But a diverse selection of products and services as well as their compatibility are also becoming increasingly important.

Enefit has made the life of business customers very convenient: be it flexible energy management or lighting renovation – they can get a quote from one place.

Long-term certainty with green energy

For businesses, solar panels are the best and easiest way to start producing and consuming your own 100% clean energy. A well-designed solar plant will pay off in about ten years, but in fact you will start saving right away on electricity and network fees as well as state taxes. All unused electricity can be sold to the network. As a pilot project, we are testing large storage solutions for business customers. The produced electricity can this way be stored and consumed later at a desired time. If you are interested, please ask our experts for more information about storage solutions.

The interest of large consumers (over 100 MWh per year) in long-term fixed-price wind energy contracts is also considerable. As of the end of 2021, we had signed 1,000 contracts and this growth shows no signs of abating. A long-term contract enables to fix the price of electricity for a desired period on favourable terms and to keep costs at a stable low and predictable level. The consumption of renewable energy makes your business activities more environmentally friendly and gives a clear knowledge in which wind farm in the Baltics your electricity is produced. 2021. aasta lõpu seisuga olime sõlminud 1000 lepingut ning kasv ei näita vaibumise märke. Pikaajaline leping võimaldab elektrihinda soovitud perioodiks soodsatel tingimustel fikseerida ning hoida kulusid stabiilselt madalal ja ette prognoositud tasemel. Taastuvenergia tarbimine muudab äritegevuse keskkonnahoidlikumaks ning annab kindla teadmise, millises Baltikumi tuulepargis on elekter toodetud.

Solar park on the roof of the Tasku shopping centre in Tartu

Significant savings on lighting

If your business continues to use old light sources, the only right decision is to replace them with an LED solution. LEDs consume up to 80% less energy and have a 5-6 times longer service life. Therefore, in addition to smaller electricity bills, your maintenance costs will be reduced. Lighting renovation ensures a safe working environment and improves employee productivity.

Enefit’s lighting service maps your building’s lighting installation, related costs, and finds the most optimal solution. As with many other services, you can choose whether to invest in the lighting upgrade yourself or decide in favour of monthly payments.

Solar park on the roof of the Tasku shopping centre in Tartu

Up to 15% income without additional investment

If your company has electrical equipment whose load schedule can be shifted, we recommend thinking about flexible energy management. This allows you to earn income by changing the load of the device that consumes or produces electricity, thus helping to maintain the balance of the electricity system. Simply put, your company’s equipment will be connected to a virtual power plant (VPP) that actively participates in the energy market and mediates signals to change or restore your equipment’s load. Of course, you can determine in advance for each day and hour whether the load of your device can be changed or not.

In addition to generating income, flexible management enables your company’s electricity system to use more renewable energy and thereby reduce your environmental footprint.

Let experts do the work

For quality control after construction or before the renovation of heating systems, it is reasonable to carry out a thermal inspection, which provides an assessment of the building’s technical condition and its main heat leaks. Likewise, electrical systems must be inspected by specialists from time to time. Electrical installation auditing provides confidence that your building’s electrical system is in working order and may not cause dangerous situations. Auditing must also be carried out when obtaining a building use permit or commissioning a new electrical system. However, if the main circuit breaker of your electrical system is rated for 100 A and more, it is mandatory to order electrical installation management, the main purpose of which is to prevent electrical failures.

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Enefit 2024: a year of energy and inspiration for the green future

2024 was a special year for Enefit. It was the year when Eesti Energia’s customers became Enefit’s customers and we took firm steps towards a greener and more sustainable world in the fields of renewable energy, customer service and community contributions. But most importantly – we achieved all of this together with you, our customers!

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