In order to have electricity at home, two separate contracts need to be concluded: a network contract and an electricity contract. Here, we explain what each contract involves and how they are connected.
Network contract – required for the delivery of electricity
A network contract is concluded with the network operator who manages the electricity network in your area and ensures that electricity reaches your home. A network contract is usually long-term and does not determine from whom you buy your electricity.
The responsibilities of the network operator include:
- Managing and maintaining power lines, substations and other infrastructure
- Transmitting electricity from producers to consumers
- Resolving power outages and ensuring the reliability of the network
- Billing of network charges, which are shown either on a separate invoice or included in the electricity supplier’s invoice
A network contract is required for every electricity consumer, but you cannot choose your network operator – it depends on your place of residence. There are several network operators in Estonia, the largest of which is Elektrilevi.
How can I find out who the network operator for my place of residence is?
You can find out who your network operator is in the following ways:
- Elering’s website – Elering’s website includes a map and a search function where you can check the network operator based on your address or cadastral register number.
- Electricity bill – if you already have an electricity contract, the name of your network operator is stated on the bill.
- Local government – if you’ve recently moved, the local government may be able to provide information about the local network operator.
- Network operators’ websites – you can contact them directly or check information from network operators’ websites.
Electricity contract – required to purchase electricity
An electricity contract is concluded with an electricity supplier and determines from whom and at what price you purchase electricity. The electricity supplier is a company that either generates electricity or buys it on the market and sells it to end consumers.
Unlike a network contract, an electricity contract is more flexible, as you can choose between different suppliers and electricity packages. Under an electricity contract:
- You buy electricity either at the market price (exchange package) or at an agreed fixed price for a specified period (fixed package).
- You pay the electricity supplier directly for the electricity you consume.
Important to know: a prerequisite for concluding an electricity contract is a valid network contract – without it, an electricity contract cannot be concluded.
What happens if the electricity supplier is not selected?
If you have a valid network contract but have not signed an electricity contract with any supplier, you will receive electricity under the general service. As of 1 June 2024, the general service is provided by Elektrum Eesti OÜ, which was awarded the contract through a procurement organised by Elektrilevi.
What is the general service?
The general service is a state-regulated service that allows you to consume electricity without an electricity contract. It is intended for small consumers, which include:
- household consumers;
- apartment associations;
- building associations;
- commercial consumers whose electrical installation is connected to the network at low voltage and through a main circuit breaker of up to 63A.
The price of the general service is based on the principles set out in the Electricity Market Act and Nord Pool’s weighted average exchange price, to which a sales margin is added.
If you wish to leave the general service, simply sign an electricity contract with a supplier of your choice.
Need assistance?
When signing a contract, base your decision primarily on your consumption habits. Compare different electricity suppliers and packages to find the solution that suits you best.
If you need advice on selecting an electricity package or have other questions, we are happy to assist. Get in touch by emailing, calling 777 4040 or submitting a consultation request via our website.