Enefit 2024: a year of energy and inspiration for the green future

2024 was a special year for Enefit. It was the year when:

  • Eesti Energia’s customers became Enefit’s customers;
  • we took firm steps towards a greener and more sustainable world in the fields of renewable energy, customer service and community contributions.

But most importantly – we achieved all of this together with you, our customers!

10 billion kWh of electricity sold – enough to supply Estonia for a whole year

In 2024, we sold a total of 10 billion kWh of electricity from renewable and conventional sources across all home markets – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. This amount would cover Estonia’s average daily energy consumption during 435 days – more than a whole year.

At Enefit, you can choose an electricity package that exactly suits your needs and wants – whether it’s electricity from renewable or traditional sources, an exchange or fixed price package, a short or long-term contract.

We were pleased to see that in 2024, a significant proportion of our household and business customers opted for green or renewable electricity. To date, every third Enefit customer across the Baltics has already chosen a green package.

Installation of solar panels and batteries shows no signs of faltering

In 2024, the growth trend in renewable energy continued, with a focus on complete solutions for solar parks and batteries. Last year, for customers in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, we installed solar parks with a total capacity of 8.5 MW or 8500 kW, capable of supplying electricity annually to an average of 2,100 Estonian homes.

In total, Enefit has installed 55 MW of solar parks across its home markets, producing around 55,000 MWh of energy in a year. With this amount we can, for example cover the annual consumption needs of nearly 18,000 Estonian households.

Alongside panels, another important energy solution is battery storage, which helps to store the electricity generated by the solar panels, for example for use when the sun is not shining and the solar panels are not producing electricity.

In 2024, we installed 1.5 MWh of batteries for customers, which can keep, for example, a 50 W LED street light running for up to 30 000 hours.

More and more customers purchase a suitable battery solution along with panels. In addition to Estonia, batteries are growing in popularity in Latvia and Lithuania.

Electric vehicle charging: 324 times around the world carbon-free

2024 was also a successful year in terms of electric vehicle charging. Overall, the number of Enefit Volt charging stations more than doubled across all home markets – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland – reaching 1,150 charging connectors in more than 300 locations by the end of the year. 

In total, our customers covered an average of 13 million emission-free kilometres last year, saving around 1,600 tonnes of carbon emissions. That is enough to go 324 times around the globe.

Every charging means a smaller carbon footprint and better air for us all. Enefit is constantly investing in new chargers, and our rapidly expanding charging network enables green and hassle free kilometres across the Baltics and Poland already today.

Energy that connects over half a million people in the Baltic States and Poland

Imagine that every 84th person in the whole of the Baltics and Poland is associated with Enefit. That is the community that has evolved around us today – over 562,000 household and business customers who trust Enefit as their everyday energy solutions provider.

  • In Estonia, we serve over 373,000 household and business customers. If a chain were formed of all our customers in the Estonian market, it would stretch from Tallinn to Klaipeda.
  • In Latvia and Lithuania, we provide a variety of energy solutions to more than 186,000 customers. There are as many people living in both Tartumaa and Põlvamaa.
  • We also operate in Poland, where we already have over 2,600 customers.

We wish to be a partner for our customers on the green journey by providing useful, convenient and innovative energy solutions that make energy consumption more efficient and ecofriendly.

We are always there for you – be it even 760,700 times

Enefit’s 106-member customer service team is always doing their best to ensure that all our customers get the right energy products and services and that no energy-related question goes unanswered.

In 2024, customers across our home markets contacted us nearly 760,700 times in total, mostly about electricity contracts and invoices.

There was also an increasing number of customers who chose to carry out their electricity transactions independently through our self-service portal. Thus, 36% of electricity package changes across domestic markets were made through the self-service portal, and in Estonia as much as 43%.

The longest call lasted as long as 1 hour and 16 minutes. By the way, our most popular customer service assistant was Irina, whose bright voice answered as many as 10,440 calls during the year!

The energy of good deeds: contributing to the promotion of sciences

In 2024, we also contributed to the promotion of sciences and gave a boost to projects popularising engineering. All so that in the future, Estonia will have enough engineers to help develop the fields that affect all our lives, from energy to information technology.

  • One of these is the Energy Discovery Centre, which was visited more than 30,000 times last year. At the Energy Discovery Centre, young people can discover a variety of educational programmes and exciting exhibits.
  • We ran the educational programme ‘Lae end’ (Charge Yourself) to help enhance learning experience in science subjects. In 2024, 20 physics and chemistry teachers from eight Estonian counties completed the programme.
  • We contributed to the educational TV series ‘Rakett69’, which was watched by 76,000 people in 2024. Finalists of the show are always welcome to join us for an internship.
  • For the second year in a row, our energy experts showcased the challenges and career opportunities in the energy sector at Positron, a nationwide energy education event attended by nearly 15,000 young people last year.
  • In cooperation with TTK University of Applied Sciences, we held an open lecture series with the aim of introducing students and anyone interested to the latest trends in the energy sector and best practices in energy management.
  • In 2024, we supported 39 employees and high-potential students with a company scholarship. We also hosted more than 3,000 visitors at our production sites.

At Enefit, we aim to give society a positive energy boost. We advanced the Estonian Health Trails, which were visited a total of 7.6 million times throughout the year. Of the 130 tracks across Estonia, the Pae Park, Harku and Nõmme tracks enjoyed the most popularity.

What will 2025 bring?

The past year has shown that together we can make great strides towards a cleaner future. Although the path is not straight, the destination of our journey is clear – the planet must remain healthy, but there must also be enough affordable energy for people to use.

This is exactly what 2025 will bring. We are committed to continuing our journey towards a secure and sustainable energy future – the green journey.

Thank you for joining us on the green journey!

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